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Wasteland 2 Can I Leave Preist Bastion and Come Back

Bastion of Faith is a location in Wasteland 2.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Pre-War
    • 1.2 Post-War
  • 2 Layout
  • 3 Inhabitants
    • 3.1 Traders
    • 3.2 Characters
      • 3.2.1 Leaders
      • 3.2.2 The rest
  • 4 Special Loot
  • 5 Behind the scenes

Background [ ]

Pre-War [ ]

Famed philanthropist Griffith J Griffith donated over three thousand acres of land to the City of Los Angeles in 1896. Previous to this, this land was part of a Spanish settlement known as Rancho Los Feliz, staying with the Feliz family for generations until Griffith purchased it. Griffith's intent was to give the great city of Los Angeles a great park, one that would provide rest, relaxation and diversion to the masses. The donation was accepted by the City, and named Griffith Park, in honor of the donor.

Griffith also donated one hundred thousand dollars to the City to build an observatory, exhibit hall and planetarium on the land. The objective was to make the observatory accessible to all, and free to the public. Griffith believed that looking at the skies would bestow an enlightened perspective to any man. The initial plans were laid in 1912, with Griffith's involvement, but became bogged down in political infighting. As Griffith's health began to falter in 1916, he left the project but bequeathed a sizeable amount of his wealth to the City in his will, earmarked for the construction of the Observatory as well as a Greek Theater.

The plan forged ahead after Griffith's death in 1919, and Architect John C Austin's designs went into construction on June 20, 1933. A major earthquake hit Long Beach just as construction began in March 1933, leading to the decision to build a sturdier, yet still beautiful building. The project was finished two years later, the observatory and accompanying exhibits opening to the public on May 14, 1935, and saw more than thirteen thousand visitors in its first five days.

Among the original exhibits were a Foucault Pendulum, a 38-foot-diameter model of a section of the moon, a 12-inch Zeiss refracting telescope as the public telescope, and a 75-foot-wide theater intended to hold the planetarium projector. During the Second World War, Griffith Park was temporarily converted to a Japanese internment camp. Many of the employees of the Griffith Observatory were called into service in 1942, while the planetarium was used in training squadrons of naval aviators to navigate by stars. The Observatory would also go dark at night, for fear of its lighting being used to target the city.

In the 1960s the planetarium was renewed and repaired, and used in the training of astronauts in the Apollo Space Program on star identification and celestial navigation. In the 1970s laser-light programs were a popular draw in the planetarium theater, set to either classical music or to rock artists such as Pink Floyd.

Later in the 1970s it became clear the Observatory was beginning to show signs of age, and plans and work have been ongoing ever since to repair and fortify the structure. The Observatory continues to be a popular attraction, and is looking at many more years of fulfilling Griffith's vision of entertaining and elucidating the masses.

Post-War [ ]

Once a proud center of science and learning, the Griffith Park observatory was claimed by the Salvation Church as its base, following the rout of the God's Militia and the destruction of the Angelus Temple. The sacrifice of Luke Samson (ironically, while confronting the con-man responsible for setting the Church up in the first place) allowed the Militiamen to gain a secure foothold and begin rebuilding their strength. By 2102, the observatory has been reinforced with fortified walls and a sizable presence of veteran Crusaders.

To people outside Griffith, it is a symbol of oppression and violence for most inhabitants of the Los Angeles wastelands. The three branches of the Salvation Church occupy the main building, with additional facilities set up in the outlying areas, including a slave pen (for "Penitents", as the doublespeak calls them), Paladin barracks, a fast food shack, and a compound protecting their radio transmitter near the Hollywood sign.

Layout [ ]

Combat Shooting skill book Fealty Mayweather Malediction Mayweather Hidden passage to Hollywood Nun healer Priest trader Retribution Jones McDade. With a good Perception, the Rangers can spy the black mask on his table. Sanctity White Exit to Griffith Park Exit to roof

About this image

Interactive map

Inhabitants [ ]

Traders [ ]

  • Healer nun
  • Priest trader

Characters [ ]

Leaders [ ]

  • Malediction Mayweather (Church Ecstatic)
  • Retribution Jones (Church Militant)
  • Ascension McDade (Church Vigiliant)

The rest [ ]

  • Acrimonious Smith
  • Constance Yee
  • Indomitableness Garza
  • Luis Bermudez
  • Maggie
  • Sanctity White

Special Loot [ ]

  • Combat Killing skill book
  • Image File:Killing for Morons book.jpg

Behind the scenes [ ]

  • While not an exact reproduction, the Observatory Building is reproduced with a largely faithful eye to detail with some variations on the interior layout and surrounding support buildings.



Characters Jean Rambeau · George Lin · Martha Lin · Heidi Hollander · Veronica · Duke Schwag · Flo · Ma Brown · Manny Wong · Raji · Alex Falk · Grauman · Johnny Maloney · Lam · Ratboy · Shawn Bonsky · Soda Jerk · Waitress
Factions Hollywood Chamber of Commerce · Hollywood Security Patrol
Locations Heidi's Hollywood Hideaway · Manny's Chinese Casino · Hotel California · The High Ground · Hollywood sewers · Swifty's dungeon · Rambeau's Gun Shop · Schwag's
  • Flo doesn't like how Schwag lets all the bad elements of Hollywood in the diner - Flo doesn't trust people like Swifty and wants something done about it.
  • Help Ma Brown reopen her restaurant
  • Gather votes for Veronica
  • Get back Manny's stolen chips
  • Help Heidi Hollander find out if Mistress Veronica is in love
  • Help Heidi take over the Bastion of Faith
  • Cement the peace between Hollywood and the Bastion by freeing the penitents and wiping out the salt dealers and the slavers
  • Stop Heidi before she has a chance at vengeance
  • Find out who Veronica's Broken Man is
  • Bring evidence of slavery in Hollywood to Mistress Veronica
  • Kill dangerous beasts in Hollywood Cemetery
  • Help the ex-aspirants find a place to live
Italics denote unmarked quests.


Wasteland 2 locations


Settlements Ranger Citadel  · Ag Center · Damonta · Highpool · Prison · Rail Nomads camp · Temple of Titan
Sites Abandoned railway · Canyon of Titan · Darwin village · Gorkinovich's distillery · Infected farm · Infected pump station · Infected village · Leve L'Upe mine · Radio tower · Rick's RV · Silo 7 · Wrecking Crew stronghold
Shrines Herbert shrine · Heyman shrine · Moss shrine · Persson shrine · Tan shrine · Taner shrine


Settlements Santa Fe Springs  · Angel Oracle · Griffith Park (Bastion of Faith, Mount Lee) · Hollywood · Los Feliz · Rodia · Seal Beach
Sites Baldwin Hills · Brentwood Dentist · Cerritos · Culvert City Brothel · Fletcher's hideout · Inglewood · La Cienega · Long Beach · Los Alamitos · Playa del Rey · Redondo Beach · Santa Monica · Wittier Narrows Recreational Area
Shrines Chia shrine · Clerc shrine · Dengler shrine · Genach shrine · Schachinger shrine

Wasteland 2 Can I Leave Preist Bastion and Come Back
