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Computer Organization and Architecture 11th Edition Chapter 11


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William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture 8 th Edition

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William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture 8 th Edition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture8th Edition Chapter 11 Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes and Formats

  2. Addressing Modes • Immediate • Direct • Indirect • Register • Register Indirect • Displacement (Indexed) • Stack

  3. Immediate Addressing • Operand is part of instruction • Operand = address field • e.g. ADD 5 • Add 5 to contents of accumulator • 5 is operand • No memory reference to fetch data • Fast • Limited range

  4. Immediate Addressing Diagram Instruction Opcode Operand

  5. Direct Addressing • Address field contains address of operand • Effective address (EA) = address field (A) • e.g. ADD A • Add contents of cell A to accumulator • Look in memory at address A for operand • Single memory reference to access data • No additional calculations to work out effective address • Limited address space

  6. Direct Addressing Diagram Instruction Opcode Address A Memory Operand

  7. Indirect Addressing (1) • Memory cell pointed to by address field contains the address of (pointer to) the operand • EA = (A) • Look in A, find address (A) and look there for operand • e.g. ADD (A) • Add contents of cell pointed to by contents of A to accumulator

  8. Indirect Addressing (2) • Large address space • 2n where n = word length • May be nested, multilevel, cascaded • e.g. EA = (((A))) • Draw the diagram yourself • Multiple memory accesses to find operand • Hence slower

  9. Indirect Addressing Diagram Instruction Opcode Address A Memory Pointer to operand Operand

  10. Register Addressing (1) • Operand is held in register named in address filed • EA = R • Limited number of registers • Very small address field needed • Shorter instructions • Faster instruction fetch

  11. Register Addressing (2) • No memory access • Very fast execution • Very limited address space • Multiple registers helps performance • Requires good assembly programming or compiler writing • N.B. C programming • register int a; • c.f. Direct addressing

  12. Register Addressing Diagram Instruction Opcode Register Address R Registers Operand

  13. Register Indirect Addressing • C.f. indirect addressing • EA = (R) • Operand is in memory cell pointed to by contents of register R • Large address space (2n) • One fewer memory access than indirect addressing

  14. Register Indirect Addressing Diagram Instruction Opcode Register Address R Memory Registers Operand Pointer to Operand

  15. Displacement Addressing • EA = A + (R) • Address field hold two values • A = base value • R = register that holds displacement • or vice versa

  16. Displacement Addressing Diagram Instruction Address A Opcode Register R Memory Registers Pointer to Operand Operand +

  17. Relative Addressing • A version of displacement addressing • R = Program counter, PC • EA = A + (PC) • i.e. get operand from A cells from current location pointed to by PC • c.f locality of reference & cache usage

  18. Base-Register Addressing • A holds displacement • R holds pointer to base address • R may be explicit or implicit • e.g. segment registers in 80x86

  19. Indexed Addressing • A = base • R = displacement • EA = A + R • Good for accessing arrays • EA = A + R • R++

  20. Combinations • Postindex • EA = (A) + (R) • Preindex • EA = (A+(R)) • (Draw the diagrams)

  21. Stack Addressing • Operand is (implicitly) on top of stack • e.g. • ADD Pop top two items from stack and add

  22. x86 Addressing Modes • Virtual or effective address is offset into segment • Starting address plus offset gives linear address • This goes through page translation if paging enabled • 12 addressing modes available • Immediate • Register operand • Displacement • Base • Base with displacement • Scaled index with displacement • Base with index and displacement • Base scaled index with displacement • Relative

  23. x86 Addressing Mode Calculation

  24. ARM Addressing ModesLoad/Store • Only instructions that reference memory • Indirectly through base register plus offset • Offset • Offset added to or subtracted from base register contents to form the memory address • Preindex • Memory address is formed as for offset addressing • Memory address also written back to base register • So base register value incremented or decremented by offset value • Postindex • Memory address is base register value • Offset added or subtractedResult written back to base register • Base register acts as index register for preindex and postindex addressing • Offset either immediate value in instruction or another register • If register scaled register addressing available • Offset register value scaled by shift operator • Instruction specifies shift size

  25. ARM Indexing Methods

  26. ARM Data Processing Instruction Addressing& Branch Instructions • Data Processing • Register addressing • Value in register operands may be scaled using a shift operator • Or mixture of register and immediate addressing • Branch • Immediate • Instruction contains 24 bit value • Shifted 2 bits left • On word boundary • Effective range +/-32MB from PC.

  27. ARM Load/Store Multiple Addressing • Load/store subset of general-purpose registers • 16-bit instruction field specifies list of registers • Sequential range of memory addresses • Increment after, increment before, decrement after, and decrement before • Base register specifies main memory address • Incrementing or decrementing starts before or after first memory access

  28. ARM Load/Store Multiple Addressing Diagram

  29. Instruction Formats • Layout of bits in an instruction • Includes opcode • Includes (implicit or explicit) operand(s) • Usually more than one instruction format in an instruction set

  30. Instruction Length • Affected by and affects: • Memory size • Memory organization • Bus structure • CPU complexity • CPU speed • Trade off between powerful instruction repertoire and saving space

  31. Allocation of Bits • Number of addressing modes • Number of operands • Register versus memory • Number of register sets • Address range • Address granularity

  32. PDP-8 Instruction Format

  33. PDP-10 Instruction Format

  34. PDP-11 Instruction Format

  35. VAX Instruction Examples

  36. x86 Instruction Format

  37. ARM Instruction Formats • S = For data processing instructions, updates condition codes • S = For load/store multiple instructions, execution restricted to supervisor mode • P, U, W = distinguish between different types of addressing_mode • B = Unsigned byte (B==1) or word (B==0) access • L = For load/store instructions, Load (L==1) or Store (L==0) • L = For branch instructions, is return address stored in link register

  38. ARM Immediate Constants Fig 11.11

  39. Thumb Instruction Set • Re-encoded subset of ARM instruction set • Increases performance in 16-bit or less data bus • Unconditional (4 bits saved) • Always update conditional flags • Update flag not used (1 bit saved) • Subset of instructions • 2 bit opcode, 3 bit type field (1 bit saved) • Reduced operand specifications (9 bits saved)

  40. Expanding Thumb ADD Instruction to ARM Equivalent Fig 11.12

  41. Assembler • Machines store and understand binary instructions • E.g. N= I + J + K initialize I=2, J=3, K=4 • Program starts in location 101 • Data starting 201 • Code: • Load contents of 201 into AC • Add contents of 202 to AC • Add contents of 203 to AC • Store contents of AC to 204 • Tedious and error prone

  42. Improvements • Use hexadecimal rather than binary • Code as series of lines • Hex address and memory address • Need to translate automatically using program • Add symbolic names or mnemonics for instructions • Three fields per line • Location address • Three letter opcode • If memory reference: address • Need more complex translation program

  43. Program in:Binary Hexadecimal

  44. Symbolic Addresses • First field (address) now symbolic • Memory references in third field now symbolic • Now have assembly language and need an assembler to translate • Assembler used for some systems programming • Compliers • I/O routines

  45. Symbolic Program

  46. Assembler Program

  47. Foreground Reading • Stallings chapter 11 • Intel and ARM Web sites

Computer Organization and Architecture 11th Edition Chapter 11
